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Monday, January 26, 2009

OurChart closes its doors forever

Hi girls, remember that in November last year I said that the web Ourchart portal Lesbian of the L Word had closed its doors temporarily and would not be updated, but they retain their social network.

the Ourchart said that it was a stage of transition and restructuring.

Apparently it is much more than that because now Ilene Chaiken has issued a communique in which OurChart portal announced the definitive closure of one of the largest lesbian social networks.

Apparently all the material is not lost OurChart will be transferred to the Showtime website, this page as we know does not have a social network like OurChart was, so the profiles will not be erased but OurChart will propose that the girls made one in a page on Showtime. (but we will no longer be the same at all).

As we can see one of the largest lesbian social networks has been spared the economic crisis, it is a pity.

So you know the girls that have her profile in OurChart will having to move there ... :)

1 comentarios:

Our Chart is close but there is another chart out there

TheOutChart.com is also a chart for everyone. Is coming Soon

to see the chart go to http://www.theoutchart.com/community3/design/the_chart.html